Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

[Review] The Daydreamer

my first english review :-)

backside of the book:
Ten-year-old Peter Fortune has a vivid imagination. He understands just how it would feel to be a cat slinking around on soft paws, purring in the sun. He's experienced the terror and the excitement of being chased by evil dolls bent on vengeance. And he's felt the thrill of using a vanishing cream that can actually make people disappear. Peter's imagination takes him to extraordinary places. But when it takes him to the place where rality and daydreams meet, has it finally taken him too far?

paperback: 160 pages
publishing house: Reclam
language: English
Price: 4,80 €

The book 'the Daydreamer' comprises seven storys about Peter and his imagination.  
Peter Fortune's daydreams place him into various amazing situations: he discovers a cream that makes people disappear, he fighting with dolls or swap the body with a cat. Adults thinks he is a awkward child, but Peter lives in his own world and have a wonderful fantasy.

My own opinion:
Ian McEwan created a amazing little story about something that everyone had already: Daydreams.
The book is perfect to read on the way, at the train or somewere else. It has a simple english for each age and it's a good training to learn english. 
I recommend it. 

assessment:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ / 5   

Donnerstag, 3. April 2014

[Zeichnungen/ Drawings]

My new drawing

It's Hulon, a cloud serpent from World of Warcraft.
I love this mount. ♥

Alisa ♥♥♥